Tokuda Laboratory


ISMR25 Workshop - May 14, 2025

We will be organizing a workshop on “Open-Source Software for Intelligent Image-Guided Medical Robots” at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR) 2025. The workshop will feature pres... (Posted on 03/07/2025)

The 14th Interventional MRI Symposium

Our team reported our recent progress at the 14th Interventional MRI Symposium, which was held on October 17 and 18, 2024 at Graduate Hotel, Annapolis, MD. Interventional MRI Symposium is a series... (Posted on 10/17/2024)

Publication: In Vivo Feasibility Study: Evaluating Autonomous Data-Driven Robotic Needle Trajectory Correction in MRI-Guided Transperineal Procedures

Our paper entitled “In Vivo Feasibility Study: Evaluating Autonomous Data-Driven Robotic Needle Trajectory Correction in MRI-Guided Transperineal Procedures” has been published in IEEE Robotics and... (Posted on 09/06/2024)

New NIH R01 Project on Robot-Assisted Catheter Placement for Radiation Therapy

Our collaborative team, consisting of the Tokuda Lab, BWH Radiation Oncology, and the Advanced Medical Instrumentation and Robotics (AMIRo) Research Lab. at Johns Hopkins University (PI: Iulian Ior... (Posted on 08/01/2024)

The 41st Project Week - June 24-28, 2024

PI Tokuda organized an IGT Breakout Session at the 41st (Project Week)[], which took place from June 24 to 28 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ... (Posted on 06/24/2024)

ISMR24 Workshop - June 3, 2024

With our collaborators from Johns Hopkins University, Queen’s University, and University of Maryland, we organized a workshop on “Leveraging SlicerROS2 for Simulation of Image-Guided Assisted Inter... (Posted on 06/03/2024)

New Postdoc Position in Medical Robotics

The Tokuda Lab. at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School seeks an individual who is passionate about medical imaging and/or robotics for image-guided therapy. The successful candi... (Posted on 03/29/2024)

Renewal of NIH R01 Project on Sensorized Needle

Our collaborative team, consisting of the Tokuda Lab, the Surgical navigation and Robotics Lab at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (PI: Nobuhiko Hata, Ph.D.) and the Advanced Medical Instrumentation an... (Posted on 02/22/2024)

New R01 Project on MRI-Guided Robotic Arrhythmia-Ablation

Our collaborative team, consisting of scientists and clinicians from Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) have rece... (Posted on 06/26/2023)

Publication: AI-based isotherm prediction for focal cryoablation of prostate cancer

Our paper entitled “AI-based isotherm prediction for focal cryoablation of prostate cancer” has been published in Academic Radiology. This is part of our effort to develop software/hardware infrast... (Posted on 05/24/2023)

The 39th Project Week - June 12-16, 2023

Our team will participate in the 39th Project Week, which will take place from June 12-16, 2023 at Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Canada. During this in-person event, Junichi Tokuda wil... (Posted on 05/18/2023)

ISMR23 Workshop - April 19, 2023

We will organize a workshop on “Building Software Systems for Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Interventions with SlicerROS2” at the International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR 23) at Georgia Tech... (Posted on 05/15/2023)

Publication: Data-driven adaptive needle insertion assist for transperineal prostate interventions

Our paper entitled “Data-driven adaptive needle insertion assist for transperineal prostate interventions” has been published in Physics in Medicine and Biology. In this study, we investigated a ro... (Posted on 05/15/2023)

Publication: Motorized template for MRI-guided focal cryoablation of prostate cancer

Our paper entitled “Motorized template for MRI-guided focal cryoablation of prostate cancer” has been published in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. The paper presents a new motori... (Posted on 05/04/2023)